DISCORD Mobile Krisp Launch



In 2020, Discord partnered with Krisp to bring noise-suppression technology to the platform. Voice chat is a staple feature on the Discord app and the integration of Krisp allows users to reduce background noise while using the app in noisy environments or at home. Now, no matter where they are, Discord users can enable the noise filtration software and make “your place to talk” even better.

Discord was transitioning from speaking to a very niche audience to now positioning themselves as a more established tech brand to appeal to a wider audience. Previous attempts to have more well-produced videos were not well received by the Discord community. The challenge was to resonate with the existing community while simultaneously elevating the brand.

After spending time in the Discord app, we were blown away by the amount of conversation between users from all around the world, each with unique lives going on behind the screen. We wanted to create a video that introduced Krisp on Discord by telling the story of the background noise that you can now cut out thanks to Krisp. Discord is the place for users to bring their voices while leaving the background noise behind.

To tell the story of the background noise, we had to create a video that felt natural to Discord’s loyal and ad-sensitive YouTube audience. Anything that felt corporate or ad-like is off the table, we had to get as wacky and entertaining as Discord’s users. Enter the goats! We told the story of one Discord user and her life at home with a roommate who throws goat parties and how, thanks to Krisp, she can now keep the conversation going without the obtrusive bleating goats in the background. 

Our launch video was a hit with our audience gaining 219,571 organic views, 17K likes and  only 190 dislikes. The goat party resonated with users and  caused a lot of positive interaction in the comments with users raving about Discord’s marketing. 


@cloudii._waffles  “The way they advertise is the most entertaining thing I have ever seen I love you. 

Comment w/ 1.2K likes

@DavidMcCarthy “Honestly, if I was in a call that just had a bunch of goats I would be happy.” 

Comment w/ 4k likes